Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"


1. Who is allowed to collect my child?

Children will ONLY be allowed home with their own parents or named persons mentioned on home visit sheet at the beginning of the year. Should an emergency occur were parents are unable to collect their child, please telephone the school immediately and advise staff of the arrangements that have been made for the collection of your child. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE ALLOWED HOME WITH A FRIEND OR A NEIGHBOUR WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM PARENTS.

2. What should I dress my child in for nursery?

We strongly recommend loose comfortable clothing that will be appropriate for taking part in all activities and that can be easily washed. We spend a lot of time outdoors so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing on for daily weather conditions. In summer please provide a sun hat and put sun block cream on your child before they come to school. A nursery sweatshirt, polo shirt and cardigans are available to order from the school office.

3. How will I know what is going on in school?

Parents are always welcome in our school and we look forward to working with you as partners in your child’s learning and development. If there is anything you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to contact us. We also use Tapestry which is an online journal and we use this to share pictures and information that the children have been doing throughout there time with us. If you would like to know about upcoming dates then this information is available on the website, on the Parent Linktree and they are emailed out to all parents.

4. What is the best way to travel to Duke Street Nursery School?

We encourage parents to walk or cycle to school but as this is not always possible for some families, parking is available on Duke Street or Brindle Street near Ranglets Recreational ground. Please do not block the car park at the side of the school as this is used for our emergency access.

5. Why do we play out in cold and wet weather conditions?

Outdoor play is a special time for children to bond and develop many personal and emotional skills. Young children especially need the large open space to explore and move around. Children need to achieve these types of large physical activities before being able to achieve smaller movements such as writing. We provide a full curriculum outdoors for your child to learn.

6. Why does my child not always bring a piece of work home?

At Duke Street we steer away from every child completing ‘the same piece of work’ and we encourage children to explore and learn within areas they are interested in. So it could be that a child is building a tower in the construction area and talking about why they have built it in that particular way. Hence, learning is not just about gluing and painting but more importantly about exploring and investigating, talking and problem solving. We have a good feeling about this process and it just means that sometimes there is no end product to take home.